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Global leader in packaging

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A partner for better cheese packaging

Amcor is a global leader in packaging and offers a wide range of products. These products are developed and manufactured in France at the cheese center of excellence in Barbezieux. Focused on innovation and excellence, Amcor has been our supplier of packaging papers for over 20 years.



Innovative packaging for
soft-ripened cheeses.

Ressources humaines


A reliable team for product
development and support



An approach based on reducing the environmental footprint.

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Their expertise

Amcor offers specialized packaging for soft ripened cheeses, to meet your needs for typicity, quality and shelf life.

Amcor is committed to solutions focused on reducing material, energy consumption and recycling. The  ASSETTM life cycle analysis approach proposed by Amcor allows you to assess the environmental footprint of your packaging and make choices based on facts.

Choosing the right packaging and quality printing allows you to differentiate your brand in the market.


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Your everyday challenges

When you share your goals and challenges with us, we respond by analyzing your needs and proposing high-performance, tailored solutions.