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Animal rennet for traditional use

Extracted from the stomach of calves, natural rennets has a specific enzymatic activity that is the source of characteristic flavors.

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NATUREN, naturally

NATUREN, the animal rennet for cheesemakers wishing to offer authentic and premium quality cheeses, with an upscale positioning that appeals to consumers.

The essentials

NATUREN allows the production of traditional quality cheeses that meet consumer demand. Animal rennet brings authenticity, better process control, and increased cheese yield.

Why it's important

Consumers are looking for products with a story and provenance and are willing to pay more for PDO (Protected Designation of Origin) cheeses, for example.

Key details

NATUREN is available in different chymosin/pepsin ratios adapted to cheese types (long or fast maturation, texture, taste). NATUREN rennet, richer in chymosin, allows up to 0.7% more yield vs. microbial rennet. It complies with organic and PDO specifications.

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