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Cheeses well presented at the counter

The last step before arriving at the consumer's table consists of properly packaging the product

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Packaging to showcase your cheese

Packaging appearance is often the first criteria for choice. The protection, cheese preservation, highlighting the brand, and product are the selection criteria for the counter packaging paper. There are different types of packaging that meet the needs of the cheese.

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Key Elements

Our counter packaging offers the following advantages


Product showcase

Transparent, semi-opaque, opaque, printed or not, the paper will showcase the product.


Ease of use

Counter packaging must be easy to use for the cheese maker and adapt to the shape of the cheese. It is available in rolls or sheets.


Protection and preservation

Counter packaging must protect the cheese during transport. It must also allow for proper preservation at the consumer's home.

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Cheese counter packaging type

We offer these 3 types of packaging to meet your needs.


Transparent film

Easy-to-use packaging that showcases the cheese.


Semi-opaque paper

Neutral laminated paper that preserves and allows you to see the cheese.


Opaque paper

Packaging that protects the cheese and allows printing.

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Brand support

Packaging is the best way to distinguish products and anchor your brand in the consumer's mind.



A neutral packaging for small volumes and a flexible packaging solution.



Printed packaging allows you to communicate about the brand and products.

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Your everyday challenges

When you share your goals and challenges with us, we respond by analyzing your needs and proposing high-performance, tailored solutions.