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A colorful work within the cheese body

The strains of P. Roqueforti work on the texture, flavors, and colors of blue-veined cheeses and develop an aromatic bouquet.

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Modern and diverse strains

The SWING PR range of Penicillium roqueforti is the ideal tool for defining the character of blue-veined cheeses, from the mildest to the most distinctive. The intensity of the blue, the texture and the aromatic signature can be finely tuned by the choice of the strain.

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Facteurs clés

La gamme PR de Penicillium roqueforti de SWING et ses différentes souches :

Modern and diverse strains The SWING PR range of Penicillium roqueforti is the ideal tool for defining the character of blue-veined cheeses, from the mildest to the most distinctive. The intensity of the blue, the texture and the aromatic signature can be finely tuned by the choice of the strain.

The SWING PR range of Penicillium roqueforti and its different strains:

The essentials
  • The PR range of Penicillium roqueforti provides the blue veins and typical aromas of blue cheeses.
  • It offers 5 strains with distinct aromatic and technological profiles for a wide sensory palette.
Why it's important

Penicillium roqueforti is the key element in blue cheeses. Its proteolytic and lipolytic enzymes develop the creamy texture and characteristic aromas. The choice of strain determines the final profile of the cheese.

The strains in detail


  • Very low proteolysis
  • Mild aroma, lightly veined, without bitterness
  • For small cheeses with long shelf life

PR-3 and PR-4:

  • High proteolysis and lipolysis
  • Intense and balanced blue aroma
  • Very creamy texture
  • For traditional blue cheeses like Roquefort


  • Low proteolysis and high lipolysis
  • Fruity aroma, lightly veined
  • Provides creaminess
  • For modern mild blue cheeses like Gorgonzola
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